SectionLift 240 Modular Spreader Beams
- Minimum Beam Length: 1.5m
- Maximum Beam Length: 26m
- Maximum Load Capacity: 240 tonnes up to 10m Long
- 180 tonnes capacity at 13m span

Please note the loads shown above are conservative indications. The spreader beams are capable of increased loads at particular spans. If you have a specific application which falls just outside the limits shown please contact us.

Calculation for SWL of Each Single Leg Top Sling.
(2 required.)
For 30o STV Angle = Load x 0.58
For 45o STV Angle = Load x 0.70
For Maximum SWL (240t) @ 30o STV Angle = 140t
For Maximum SWL (212t) @ 45o STV Angle = 149t

Headroom (H) @ 30o STV Angle = L x 0.87
Headroom (H) @ 45o STV Angle = L x 0.50